Flipping channels this afternoon I was really excited to see Bill Nye on tv again. Granted, it was as a guest on the stupid Dr. Oz show, but still, Bill Nye the sciece guy!!! Mostly, that bought me back to 6th grade when I had the most adorable science teacher in the entire world. She was only my teacher for the first half of the year and then she left to go to grad school at Georgetown. She was probably the age I am now or a little younger, as cute as Emma from Glee with adorable hair and a sweetly retro wardrobe. She was excited about science, had slight deafness (and a small speech impediment because of it). She also had a huge celebrity crush on Bill Nye. She would talk about it anytime we watched one of his videos (which, because of her love fo him, was rather often). She was honestly just one of the cutest, sweetest people I can remember meeting, and I hope that all her wildest dreams came true (except maybe the one where she became Bill's wife). Here's to you, Ms. (insert name here- I don't remember, ok!?).