Showing posts with label words to live by. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words to live by. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I got an email from a friend today. In it she said "Life isn’t perfect, but we choose how we deal with it. I think you excel at this." I think that's one of the highest compliments someone could possibly give me right now, mainly because I feel like a wimpy whiner most of the time. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

I literally died when I saw this video.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

State slogans, con't.

On the OTHER hand, Maryland's used to be "Oooh, the state I'm in!"

Now that makes me want to go to Maryland. It sounds like "Oh man, you will not believe what happened while I was in Maryland!" Story of crazy vacation bender to follow. THAT's what I want my vacation to be like. Something that will fuel the gossip for weeks.

Some of the worst state mottoes:

Kentucky had two, one promoting it's mediocrity: "Oh Kentucky, You'll come to love it!" That sounds like they're just trying to set you up for disappointment, or get you to have really low expectations so you'll be pleasantly surprised. The other one: "The uncommon wealth of Kentucky" (get it, because they're the Commonwealth of Kentucky?" just gives me the heebie-jeebies for some reason. Like uncommon wealth in what, NECROMANCY?

There was a really bad Tennessee one too...thinking...

I had to go back and look it up in the boxes of maps. "Tennessee...Sounds good to me!" Like we're driving down the highway not knowing where to go, our options are Alabama, Missippi, Kentucky, etc...Meh, we'll take what's left over. Tennessee sounds good enough. I guess. Fail.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Quote of the week

"I blame Beyonce for everything that goes wrong in my life"

-Anthony from "Project Runway"

Sound thinking, Anthony. You're my hero.