Monday, July 11, 2011


We need to talk about something else today. Namely, this movie:

I got tired of waiting for *someone* to decide when she wanted to watch it, so I finally gave up and went on my own this weekend. And hoooo boy. I loved it! Sooo much!

I'm not a Woody Allen fan typically. I find him personally very annoying and since most of his protagonists are just different permutations of, well, himself, I tend not to like his films.

That was certainly true here (that Owen Wilson's character just seemed like a taller, beefier version of Allen), but here it was charming instead of obnoxious. It's obvious that his life just is not working out, and the Universe's solution- to cast him back to 1920s Paris each night (while his fiance spends time with the delightfully unbearable Michael Sheen) is the perfect antidote.

So really all of this just gives an opportunity to meet charicatures of many of the famous residents of Paris during that era- Hemingway, Dali, Bunuel, Stein, Picasso, etc...And it's just. So. Funny.

Also, it made me happy. That's all!


  1. Don't hate! I am soooo busy right now! I'm sorry! I am glad you liked it though!

  2. It's really ok- I'm just not super busy right now and so I love to hate on those who are.

    Anyways, you definitely need to go see it. I might even be willing to see it again if you can't get Hector to go with you.


Please know that (1) I LOVE comments, and (2) if you leave an anonymous comment, I will be driven insane wondering who you are.

I just told you how to simultaneously make me really happy and really crazy (well crazier than normal anyways). That's probably dangerous.