Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

I include this picture because this is the way I would MUCH have preferred that Nicolas Cage look in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice". Since when do a (to quote the movie) "300 year old rawhide coat" and hair made out of straw translate into an ultra powerful sorcerer? I'm sorry, Nic, but no matter how much you spin, that hair will NOT turn into gold. I DON'T CARE WHAT THE MICE TOLD YOU.

So unfunny fairy tale tangent aside, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" was average. It had some sweet romantic moments, some really delightful Alfred Molina scenes (all of his scenes, actually- his acting is really quite delicious- he did the best he could with a ridiculous script), some scenes of trademark Cageian insanity (which are also guiltily delightful), and lost of unnecessarily silly action sequences and occultism. Magic is awesome, but when the final spell of ultimate evil requires the wicked witch to writhe around on the ground like a...well you don't want to know like what...then it's just too much. I could definitely have gone without the hair swinging.

Final verdict- silly effects+gaudy jewelery+randomly kind of hot Jay Baruchel= C+


  1. You're review did not convince me to ever watch this movie. Ever. I'm glad you review movies before I choose to see them.

    And yes, Nicholas needs to pull a Bruce Willis and shave those strands.

  2. I failed. Really, in reviewing movies, i want to convince them to watch them and enjoy all of their flaws as much as I do.

    So jk, this movie got an A++


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I just told you how to simultaneously make me really happy and really crazy (well crazier than normal anyways). That's probably dangerous.