It's been a long time, but I'm back!
First off-- Oversized button up shirt+black leggings that don't match+wannabe Burberry plaid rainboots with faded pictures of dogs= NOT AN OUTFIT!
Secondly, mustaches are neither suave nor debonair. Nor are they attractive, cute, ironic, funny, or kosher in any way. Stop already.
Third, one of the things that makes me the most angry in the world is changed plans. Ex: I make a plan with someone to do something a few days from now, I'm going to make time to fill that plan, and I expect the same courtesy from the other person(s) involved. If you're not going to be able to do it, tell me beforehand. You won't hurt my feelings, and I'll find something else worthwhile to do. Another example: I make plans with someone, and they change them at the last minute without telling me. Is it really that hard to make a phone call or send me a text? Again, you won't hurt my feelings, and I'll be able to plan accordingly. Really, all this boils down to is that I simply want others to give me the same consideration I would give them in the same situation.
Fourth, Guatemala is not as dangerous as you think it is, and France may conceal hidden dangers under a congenial surface.
Taken= Good, if a bit on the violent side.
Inkheart= Enjoyable. Andy Serkis is my idol.
Underworld 3= Utter crap, waste of my time like the other 2.
He's Just Not That Into You= Funny, painfully awkward, but in an entertaining (but still very very painful) way.
Push= Weird, action-y, too sci-fi-ey. Meh.
New In Town= Cute! A rom-com rated PG! What a relief!
Bride Wars= Horrible.
The Tale of Deseperaux= Actually quite good. Great animation, goofy plot about soup.
Australia= I think I've already made it quite clear how I feel about this. That is, crap saved by H.J.
Twilight= Sigh
Benjamin Button= Much too long, too much sex, not remotely relatable to reality. Amazing, flawless CGI.
i MISSED your blogs! and i always love them. i love that you see every movie ever.