Sunday was one of the best dias de reposo ever? We heard from 3 members of the quorum of the 12 and sundry other amazing church leaders. One of the real treats of the day for me was the opportunity to hear from Elder Marlin K. Jensen-- he has long been one of my favorite members of the 70. This is one of my favorite talks of his-- It's from the conference session last year when they rededicated the tabernacle. I love hearing him speak because the principles he teaches are so simple and beautiful in their clarity. I also love to hear him because, as with so many others that make up our church's leadership, I know that, without having met the majority of the membership of the church, he has a great love for those he serves. The love that he and others have is something to which I aspire-- to be secure in my calling and love for those I serve.
I love to hear him in this talk relate the First Vision with such emotion. How many times is it told in haste, with little thought given to the gravity of the words being shared?
I love the idea of the importance of remembering in the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially considering the promise given to us that the Spirit will bring all things to our remembrance. I know the power that a past witness, a past experience remembered in a time of trial can have on my life. I know that the remembrance of those who came before us and their experiences can teach and guide us, can bring us each moment closer not only to the kingdom of our Heavenly Father, but also to true happiness in our time here on Earth.
In remembering, we find the lessons we were meant to learn; happy moments, spiritual experiences, and even the most painful of trials can become sacred to us, creating places and times in our lives that are to us what the Waters of Mormon were to the first followers of Alma (see Mosiah 18:30)-- places and times that are beautiful to us because they taught us more about ourselves and our relationship with the Savior than we thought was possible.
I'm so grateful for the amazing opportunity we had yesterday to be taught by those chosen to be special witnesses of Jesus Christ. I hope that I can always remember how blessed I am to have the opportunities I do.
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I just told you how to simultaneously make me really happy and really crazy (well crazier than normal anyways). That's probably dangerous.