Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So I remembered another one of my fashion pet peeves. Deep v-necks on men. Why? It's not at all sexy, it doesn't even look stylish, it just looks gross. If a man wears a v-neck, it had better be a very very high one. Because if not....I just might lose my lunch.


  1. Girlfriend. I completely agree. Best male deep v-neck moment ever? My roommate was on a date with this guy, and he shows up in this sleeveless V-neck shirt. It was either purple, or I just imagined it purple because of the homosexuality factor. Anyway. She likes this guy, so she tries to ignore the shirt. And then he asks, "do you like my shirt? I designed it..." What? ya he said that. It makes me laugh just thinking about the way she tells the story. So awkward and creepy.

    I also agree with the no-skinny-jeans-on-males policy, but I will respectfully decline on commenting.

    Long comment. But worth it.

  2. Completely worth it. I wish I had been there. Is she sure it was a date and not just a "get to know your new gay best friend" time?I am sad for that guy.

  3. I hate V Necks on dudes, too! It's just icky!


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I just told you how to simultaneously make me really happy and really crazy (well crazier than normal anyways). That's probably dangerous.